< The Insurmountable Immortal Legend.: 03/2008

31 March 2008

Goddamned parents. I was doing some important stuff and well, they fucking interrupted. After I specifically asked them to leave me alone. And yes, my hard work goes down the drain. Why must I have retarded, hypocritical, moronic, dumb, brainless, bastards for parents?

29 March 2008

Just been relieving my boredom by reading Lee Kuan Yew's Memoirs, might finish it by this week.

27 March 2008

Big news.
Lim pei is having a concert on 15th April at the Esplanade. Tickets are priced at $15 or $20 if I remember correctly. Do come, I'd like the support.

20 March 2008

Procrastination, it's something great. Leaving stuff till the eleventh hour. Only complete the tasks when it's almost due(say, 10 minutes?). You'll get a great thrill, competing against time, trying to finish a composition in ten minutes(I've done it once, got 20/30), but the composition must contain substance.

Procrastination, it's the giver of life, it's the better choice.

10 March 2008

I am announcing my results.

Design and Technology- C6
English Language- C5
Higher Chinese- A2
History- D7
Mathematics- F9
Science- E8
Visual Arts- C6

Number of subjects- 7
Total Score- 342.8/700
Average Score- 49.0


On to another issue. I hate my life. When I do something and a customer complains, my parents never bother to find out the situation before lecturing. Same goes for my results. When they do something wrong, I'm not allowed to point out their mistakes?! Where has freedom of speech gone? Just because they're my parents, doesn't mean I have to STFU for anything. When they make an unfair statement to me, I can't retaliate. Screw this, must I not have my freedom of speech until you die? If so, I wish you would die, right here and now.

Another new development.
Finally raised and Ev Trained My Latios. My dream team would be my Starmie, Latios and Breloom.