< The Insurmountable Immortal Legend.: 09/2009

11 September 2009

Recently I've been thinking. There's a girl I like in school, yet I've never had the courage to tell her that. Basically we get along quite fine, just that I like her, and I don't dare to tell her that. This is unlike me, I'd just tell the girl I like her and just wait for an answer, no matter good or bad. That was in the past. I'm even scared now, of rejection. Scared that she doesn't feel the same for me as I do for her. I used to stare rejection in the face, but now, I've lost many things. My courage/idiocy. I used to say things before thinking. Now I don't know how I even speak. I don't know if it's a good thing. I've changed, really.

In other news, 3rd November, I'll be performing at the Esplanade, yet again. Last year, 25th April, I performed there too, with the Maris Stella Chinese Orchestra, to celebrate our 50th Anniversary. This year, I'll be performing with the Henderson Secondary School Concert Band. I know what to expect. Thankfully. And there's going to be the part where we move instruments. Last year, my section had 4 people. 4 people to move the entire percussion section. And I had to sit with the instruments back, in the back of the lorry. The good thing is that 4 people is just nice, the dressing rooms are rather small, as what I remember from my last visit. Or maybe it was just me. Toilets in there are huge. HUGE I TELL YOU.