< The Insurmountable Immortal Legend.

26 January 2008

Normally I don't post on weekends, but today I shall make an exception.

Thread at PlayPark Forums.http://forums.playpark.net/showthread.php?t=271596

Let me quote you a few of his replies, which will be in italic.

You sure you study english? Haven't you heard, if you eat gluttonly, you are a pig, take things too slowly and slacky, you are a snail. Behave in a sissy manner, you are a pu33y cat. Just the same, if you raid, and ks around, you are a dog. Please take an english course.

And I'll make it clear, I'm not impying that your whole guild is a raider or even kser. I didn't say that did I? Prove it to me and i'll polish your mercedes dude. And while your guild definitely doesn't do raiding or ksing all the time, this time round, I was ksed by a guild member of yours for your so called no bloody reason

Wanna know what rights I have to call a member of yours dog? I'm a law student and i know the law. Have you heard of the freedom of speech?

And this thread isn't about who's using vulgarities or not. If you wanna lodge a complain about me using vulgarities, please open another thread to do so, that's another story. The main agenda here is I was ksed by some 'dogs', unfortunately one of them belonging to you. Hence you ought to start off by teaching him some ethics in maple if you don't mind. Or are u too busy chionging to bother of members affairs and only wanna push a strong upright defence that your guild member did nothing wrong?

Kns la, Law student very big is it?

I said.

I wouldn't wanna be a law student now, seeing as how you type, I don't wanna be a GNS flamebait.

Because you carry the name of law students, and your typing bad English, makes us feel that all law students are like that. I'm just using you as a reference, TS.

He said.

Are you even able to make it into law? lolx~!! btw, you're telling me your english is very good izzit? And you're applying the wrong reference again. That's the worst part of you, if you're not stupid, you're dumb. Again & again I've said, I never generalised any the guilds stated are a ksing or raiding guild. I only stated that I got raided and ksed by the mentioned guilds on a particular day and time, as even if one member from a guild kses, it's still the guild ksing. Please quit maple and use your time instead taking a paper on written understanding for english.

But in his previous post.

Answer me this. If even ONE member of a particular guild raids or kses, isn't it the same as the guild itself ksing? Does not what a member of a perticular guild carry the guild name in all he does?

So I replied.
Where did I apply the wrong reference? DO use your eyes, bastard.

So I concluded, since he carries the name his faculty, I can safely say that the rest of his faculty are egoistical bastards that can't type properly, or on a greater scale, his country Malaysia.

No offence to Malaysians, but that guy really puts me off.

If you wanna read more, the link is


My nick there is Zanbato. Seriously, did he learn how to type English?


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